App version: deltatre.forgeintegrations.webcomponents.node.js:7.5.4
This web component can be directly implemented to an existing field.
For this web component, you must first have deploied the Graphic Asset Dashboard with its api resources.
Please follow this documentation to deploy the Graphic Asset Dashboard with its api resources.
Name | Description | Value |
GRAPHIC_ASSETS_DASHBOARD_CLOUDINARY_FOLDER | Cloudinary folder filter if you want to work in a specific folder, set empty if you want to use the root | sample |
GRAPHIC_ASSETS_DASHBOARD_API_BASE_URL | Graphic asset dashboard distribution api url without final slash | |
GRAPHIC_ASSETS_DASHBOARD_API_GUISHELL_NAME | Graphic assets dashboard distribution api name in GUISHELL | graphic-assets-dashboard-dapi |
GRAPHIC_ASSETS_DASHBOARD_API_GUISHELL_CLIENT_NAME | Graphic assets dashboard client name in GUISHELL | graphic-assets-dashboard-dapi-test |
GRAPHIC_ASSETS_DASHBOARD_API_GUISHELL_CLIENT_SECRET | Graphic assets dashboard client secret in GUISHELL | 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 |
GRAPHIC_ASSETS_DASHBOARD_UNIQUE_TAG_PREFIX | Graphic assets dashboard unique prefix tag | webcomp_ |
GRAPHIC_ASSETS_DASHBOARD_MAIN_THUMB_TRANSFORMATION | Graphic assets dashboard trasformation for main thumbnail | t_gad_table |
GRAPHIC_ASSETS_DASHBOARD_DATATABLE_THUMB_TRANSFORMATION | Graphic assets dashboard trasformation for table thumbnail | t_gad_table |
GRAPHIC_ASSETS_DASHBOARD_ASSETPREVIEW_TRANSFORMATION | Graphic assets dashboard trasformation for detail preview | t_gad_detail |
WEBCOMPONENTS_BASE_URL | Base url for Webcomponents | |
Name | Url |
paper-tree | https://localhost:3000/PolymerCommon/PaperTree |
paper-tree-node | https://localhost:3000/PolymerCommon/PaperTreeNode |
graphic-asset-dashboard | https://localhost:3000/PolymerWebComponents/GraphicAssetDashboard |
"myField": { "type": "string", "description": "My Description", "title": "My Title", "localized": true, "extended-type": "graphic-asset-dashboard", "tagextradata": true }
This web component can be directly implemented to an existing field with the "brightcoveAccountId" and "brightcoveId".
Name | Url |
bc-video-player | https://localhost:3000/PolymerWebComponents/BrightcovePlayer |
"brightcoveId": { "type": "string", "title": "Brightcove ID", "description": "Brightcove ID", "localized": false, "tagextradata": false, "filter": false }, "brightcoveAccountId": { "type": "string", "title": "Brightcove Account ID", "description": "Brightcove Account ID", "localized": false, "tagextradata": false, "filter": false }, "BrightCovePlayer": { "title": "Video Preview", "extended-type": "bc-video-player", "readonly": true }
This web component can be directly implemented to an existing field with the "playerSiteId".
Name | Url |
jw-player | https://localhost:3000/PolymerWebComponents/JwPlayer |
"playerId": { "type": "string", "title": "JWPlayer ID", "description": "JWPlayer ID", "localized": false, "tagextradata": false, "filter": true, "readonly": true }, "playerSiteId": { "type": "string", "title": "JWPlayer Site Id", "description": "JWPlayer Site ID", "localized": false, "tagextradata": false, "filter": true, "readonly": true }, "playerMimeType": { "type": "string", "title": "JWPlayer MimeType", "description": "JWPlayer Video Mime Type", "localized": false, "tagextradata": false, "filter": true, "readonly": true }, "videoId": { "title": "Video Preview", "extended-type": "jw-player", "readonly": true }
This web component can be directly implemented to an existing field with the "videoId".
Name | Url |
forge-vimeo-video-input | https://localhost:3000/PolymerWebComponents/VimeoVideo |
"videoId": { "type": "string", "title": "Video Id", "description": "The unique identifier of the video", "localized": true, "tagextradata": false, "extended-type": "forge-vimeo-video-input" }
This web component can be directly implemented to an existing field with the video url, or it can be implemented as an additional field by enhancing the "urlFieldName" field with the field name of the video url.
Name | Url |
video-player | https://localhost:3000/PolymerCommon/VideoPlayer |
"url": { "type": "string", "title": "Video Url", "readonly": true, "extended-type": "video-player" }
"_videoPlayer": { "type": "string", "title": "Video Player", "urlFieldName": "url", "extended-type": "video-player" }
This web component is used to add a selection to another entity as a reference field.
"selection": [ { "title": "News List", "slug": "news-list", "entityId": "5f3245fa-6db3-47cb-b7cc-a80ca57a2da8", "translationId": "651e1fdc-627b-478e-9871-b0ed51b9ee6a", "culture": "en-us" } ]
Name | Url |
selection-selector | https://localhost:3000/PolymerWebComponents/SelectionSelector |
"selection": { "type": "array", "title": "Editorial selection", "localized": true, "extended-type": "selection-selector" }
This web component is used to count characters into a field (type string).
Name | Url |
text-input-character-counter | https://localhost:3000/PolymerWebComponents/TextInputCounter |
"subHeadline": { "extended-type": "text-input-character-counter", "max-length": number (optional) }
This web component is used to count characters into a rich text field (type string).
Name | Url |
rich-text-input-character-counter | https://localhost:3000/PolymerWebComponents/RichTextInputCounter |
"subHeadline": { "extended-type": "rich-text-input-character-counter", "max-length": number (optional) }
This web component allows to embed a social post.
Name | Url |
o-embed | https://localhost:3000/PolymerWebComponents/OEmbed |
"oEmbedField": { "extended-type": "o-embed" }
This web component allows to input a list of accessible link composed of Display Text, Accessible Text, Url and Open in new Tab Option.
Name | Url |
accessible-link | https://localhost:3000/PolymerWebComponents/AccessibleLink |
accessible-link-list | https://localhost:3000/PolymerWebComponents/AccessibleLinkList |
"links": { "title": "Links", "type": "array", "extended-type": "accessible-link-list" }
This web component allows to input an accessible link composed of Display Text, Accessible Text, Url.
Name | Url |
accessible-link | https://localhost:3000/PolymerWebComponents/AccessibleLink |
"link": { "title": "Link", "type": "object", "extended-type": "accessible-link" }
This web component allows to use paper tree component internally of another component.
Name | Url |
paper-tree | https://localhost:3000/PolymerCommon/PaperTree |
This web component allows to use paper tree node component internally of another component.
Name | Url |
paper-tree-node | https://localhost:3000/PolymerCommon/PaperTreeNode |
This web component allows to use paper data table component internally of another component.
Name | Url |
paper-datatable | https://localhost:3000/PolymerCommon/PaperDataTable |
This web component allows to use paper data table column component internally of another component.
Name | Url |
paper-datatable-column | https://localhost:3000/PolymerCommon/PaperDataTableColumn |
This web component can be directly implemented to an existing field with the TinyMCE table.
Name | Url |
extended-field-table | https://localhost:3000/PolymerWebComponents/Table |
"table": { "title": "Table", "localized": true, "extended-type": "extended-field-table" }
This web component can be used to have two fields: header and body to prepare an accordion list for frontend.
Name | Url |
rich-text-editor | https://localhost:3000/PolymerCommon/RichTextEditor |
accordion-list | https://localhost:3000/PolymerWebComponents/AccordionList |
"table": { "title": "Text", "localized": true, "extended-type": "accordion-list" }
This web component can be used to prepare a form field request for frontend.
Name | Url |
html5-sortable | https://localhost:3000/PolymerCommon/Html5Sortable |
form-fields | https://localhost:3000/PolymerWebComponents/FormFields |
"table": { "title": "Text", "localized": true, "extended-type": "form-fields" }
This web component can be directly implemented to an existing field with the "videoId".
Name | Description | Value |
DIVA_PLAYER_DIVABO_BASE_URL | Base url for Diva BO | |
DIVA_PLAYER_VIDEODATA_DOMAIN | Url for the videodata domain (it will be combined with "/video/videodata/v2/{}") | |
[OPT.] DIVA_PLAYER_CASTLAB_APP_PROD_KEY | For the default entitlement service, the App Prod Key for Castlab DRM | 123QWertY+/asd789xCV== |
[OPT.] DIVA_PLAYER_CASTLAB_LIVEKEY_TEMPLATE | For the default entitlement service, the template ref for LIVEKEY | 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 |
[OPT.] DIVA_PLAYER_MERCHANT_NAME | For the default entitlement service, the merchant name | deltatre_merchant_name |
[OPT.] DIVA_PLAYER_FAIRPLAY_CERTIFICATE_URL | Url to the Fairplay certificate. Needed to run the player on Apple devices. | https://some-host.deltatre/certificate.cer |
[OPT.] DIVA_PLAYER_AKAMAI_KEY | For the creation of a tokenized url, the Akamai secret | 245fc245fc245fc |
DIVA_PLAYER_CUSTOM_SETTINGS_URL | [OPT.] Url to a customized settings.json file | https://some-host.deltatre/settings.json |
DIVA_PLAYER_CUSTOM_DICTIONARY_URL | [OPT.] Url to a customized dictionary.json file | https://some-host.deltatre/dictionary.json |
DIVA_PLAYER_CUSTOM_AUDIO_SELECTION | [OPT.] Custom setting: Audio Selection | title |
DIVA_PLAYER_CUSTOM_CC_SELECTION | [OPT.] Custom setting: Closed Caption Selection | lang |
DIVA_PLAYER_CUSTOM_ENTITLEMENT_URL | [OPT.] Url to the customized entitlement API. Every other configuration regarding the DEFAULT entitlement service will not be used. | https://some-host.deltatre/entitlement |
DIVA_PLAYER_CUSTOM_HEARTBEAT_URL | [OPT.] Url to the customized heartbeat API. | https://some-host.deltatre/heartbeat |
DIVA_PLAYER_HEARTBEAT_INTERVAL_IN_SECONDS | [OPT.] Custom setting: heartbeat interval | 3600 |
DIVA_PLAYER_AKAMAI_EXPIRATION_WINDOW | [OPT.] For the creation of a tokenized url, the expiration window in seconds | 60 |
WEBCOMPONENTS_BASE_URL | Base url for Webcomponents | |
Name | Url |
diva-video-player | https://localhost:3000/PolymerWebComponents/DivaVideoPlayer |
"videoId": { "type": "string", "extended-type": "diva-video-player", }
This web component is used wrap many custom behavior for one entity with a env variable configuration.
Name | Value |
[ { 'aggregateType':'story', 'characterCounter':true, 'slugNotifier':true }, { 'aggregateType':'photo', 'characterCounter':false, 'slugNotifier':true }, { 'aggregateType':'album', 'characterCounter':false, 'slugNotifier':true }, { 'aggregateType':'document', 'characterCounter':true, 'slugNotifier':true }, { 'aggregateType':'tag', 'characterCounter':false, 'slugNotifier':false }, { 'aggregateType':'selection', 'characterCounter':true, 'slugNotifier':true }, { 'aggregateType':'', 'characterCounter':true, 'slugNotifier':true } ] |
Name | Url |
custom-global-behavior | https://localhost:3000/PolymerCustomBehaviorComponents/CustomGlobalBehavior |
Scope | Name | Enable |
entityType | custom-global-behavior | true |
This web component counts the characters in the title and, in the story entity, in the headline.
Name | Url |
character-counter | https://localhost:3000/PolymerCustomBehaviorComponents/CharacterCounter |
Scope | Name | Enable |
entityType | character-counter | true |
This web component is used to notified if the current slug is already used for the same entity.
Name | Url |
slug-notifier | https://localhost:3000/PolymerCustomBehaviorComponents/SlugNotifier |
Scope | Name | Enable |
entityType | slug-notifier | true |
"parts": [ { "type": "external", "externalType": "story-part-table", "content": { "title": "Players table", "body": "<table style=\"border-collapse: collapse; width: 100%;\" border=\"1\"><thead><tr><th style=\"width: 47.8874%;\" scope=\"col\">Name</th><th style=\"width: 47.8874%;\" scope=\"col\">Team</th></tr></thead><tbody><tr><td style=\"width: 47.8874%;\">Bremer</td><td style=\"width: 47.8874%;\">Juventus</td></tr><tr><td style=\"width: 47.8874%;\">Chiesa</td><td style=\"width: 47.8874%;\">Juventus</td></tr></tbody></table>", "contextualFields": {} }, ]
Name | Url |
story-part-table | https://localhost:3000/StoryParts/Table |
Name | Url |
table | https://localhost:3000/api/ExternalStoryParts/Table |
"parts": [
"type": "external",
"externalType": "story-part-quote",
"content": {
"quote": "test quote",
"author": "FST"
"contextualFields": {}
Name | Url |
story-part-quote | https://localhost:3000/StoryParts/Quote |
Name | Url |
quote | https://localhost:3000/api/ExternalStoryParts/Quote |
"parts": [ { type: "external", externalType: "story-part-big-number", content: { number: "158", description: "Text description" }, contextualFields: { } } ]
Name | Url |
story-part-big-number | https://localhost:3000/StoryParts/BigNumber |
Name | Url |
big-number | https://localhost:3000/api/ExternalStoryParts/BigNumber |